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Seminárna práca: Company profile - The Winnie Binnies´ history

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The Winnie Binnies´ history

The company was founded in January 1982 by Tracy Sheets, the former paralegal. The idea of creating such a company came to her mind while she was being on maternity leave with her two little kids. She was so frustrated that there was no place for mothers and their kids to go to that she decided to establish the Winnie Binnies´ restaurant where mothers could socialize and children play at the same time.

The headquarters are in Springfield, Missouri. It employs about 250 employees in the USA and Europe. For the first five years the company did all its business in Springfield. However, since 1987 it has expanded to several US cities such as New York, Miami, Denver and Tennessee. It also operates in London, Great Britain, and tends to set up the market in Vienna, Austria. Real prove of the growth in popularity is the profit that reached $10 million in July 2007. It is 50 times more than the profit in 1982.
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Winnie Binnies

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