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Prezentácia: Ernest Miller Hemingway - Nobel Prize

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Good afternoom, ladies and gentlemen. Let me Introduce myself. My name is XXX, and I am going to be talking about Television. I would like to divide my presentation into two parts. First I’ll talk about principal mean, second I‘ll describe expansion of television. If you don’t mind , we ‘ll leave questions until the end.
1.Principal mean

Television is important carrier of news, opinions and entertainment. Telecast helps increase culture level of people.
Television is actually machine which turns signal to picture and sound. When we look at the television closer we can find that picture isn’t homogeneous and it consist of many small spots. The most important part of television is screen. It is made of thick glass in which is vacuum. Television signal is electromagnetic wave motion just like light or radio waves. Along with television signal sound wave is also transmitted. Television is able to recognize and classify these signals. That’s why we can see picture and hear sound concurrently in real time. Except of terestrial and satellite televisions exists also cable televisions. Channels of cable television are transmitted by special cables which lift picture turned into electric signals to the house.
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