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Referát: The Crab's Nebula

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In the year 1054 suddenly appeared a star in constellation of bull, which was so bright, that it could have been seen by the free sight even by the daylight. Chinese have noticed it, but in Europe this phenomenon remained unnoticed.
In the year 1731 an English astronomer has found by the telescope near the star Zeta Tauri misty constellation, which in his fantasy appeared to crab for him. That˘s why he called it Crab˘s Nebula.
Nebula M1 is clear enough to be studied by us. Its seemingly star˘s size is 8,4 and it equals to the flame of candle from the distance of 31 kilometres. The nebula appeared as a elliptical formation with dimension 3x4 arched minute.
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Crab Nebula

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