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Referát: Cell division

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One of the most important natural needs of every being is its reproduction - a part of the life (or cell) cycle. Mitosis - specified as a cell division (division of nucleus) - is the major stage in the reproduction of quite a lot of organisms and their parts, as well. Firstly, I would like to explain the phases occurring in the mitosis. Those are the prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In the prophase (“before form”), chromosomes condense (become shorter and thicker); both the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope disappear. Centrioles replicate and separate, and form a bundle of microtubule fibers (each of them "catches" one chromosome). In the later metaphase (“middle form“) chromosome align together on a central (metaphase) plate and start doing dancelike movements. Anaphase (“again form”) begins, when centromeres that link the sister chromatids, together creating the whole chromosome, split.
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