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Seminárna práca: Unicert vypracovane temy

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Culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, custom and behaviour. A culture is the collective manifestation of human material and non-material achievement.
A material culture insists on objects, material accomplishments, sill and productivity in arts and crafts, technology, fine buildings and displays of material prosperity.

A non-material culture values “abstract” things more highly than objects, e.g. things such as ideas, things of the mind, philosophy, metaphysics, “spirituality”, values, beliefs, etc.

We live on a small planet with many cultures. Sometimes it is difficult to understand someone from another culture because we have not taken the time to listen to what they believe, and because we assume that they should believe what we believe. Learning about other cultures helps us live together and respect each other’s ways of life, without misunderstanding or hurting each other.

Culture means many different things to different people: the clothing, the food, values, laws, beliefs, music and dance, material things, language, art, medicine or healing practises, stories, hairstyles, economic system…Families, neighbourhoods, ethnic groups, religious group, regions, country, all have their own cultures. Culture is constantly changing as people and places change.
What is your favourite art, music, film, actor..?
Culture and art are very important for us because they add aesthetic value to our lives.
Kinds of culture and art: architecture, literature, film, music, fine art and theatre. Every period of history has its´ own typical type of architecture. In the past architecture influenced mainly castles, churches and cathedrals. Nowadays people still admire old famous pieces such as pyramids in Egypt, many buildings, towers and bridges in London, Rome, Florence, Paris or Prague.
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