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Referát: Assertiveness, Assertive communication

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Term Assertivity communication is used very often. Assertivity communication is an ideal form of positive communication. Assertivity communication can be form of self-defence. Assertive communication is an ability and life style. It requires being awake and training.
What does Assertivity consist of?
1. Assertivity is a complex of values and communicate techniques.
2. The aim of assertivity should be effort for finding of solution and effort for understanding of the second person.
Which Latina word does word Assertivity consist of?
Word assertivity is consisted with Latina word assertum. This word means to assert, to accent or to assure.
Which other characteristics of assertivity do we know?
Assertivity is an adequate talking of opinions. This behaviour admits to self-realisation. This behaviour mustn´t influence other people.
Oravcová asserts that term assertivity is usually translated as self-realisation. This translation is not adequate. It exists terms as healthy self-realisation, adequate self-realisation, direct communication and optimal communication. Assertivity can be therapeutic method for our communication.
What is characteristics of none-assertivity behaviour?
None-assertivity person contests your rights. It doesn´t express clearly. Other people contests rights of none-asertivity person.
Which basic rights of assertivity are?
Basic rights of assertivity are responsibility and equality.
What do we achieve with communication?
Assertivity communication can achieve followed aims:
1. Personal successful
2. Decrease of stress
3. Improvement of healthy condition
4. Increased self- confidence
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