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Seminárna práca: A comparison of the effect of advertising in various types of media

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Communication technology has had an enormous impact on society by changing the distribution of information and assimilation of knowledge. Many centuries after writing was invented, the technology of the printing press enabled the first mass distribution of books, pamphlets and newspapers that allowed single authors to inform and entertain large audience.
Freedom of the press guaranteed that print media sources would continue providing information and influence. By the turn of the 20th century electronic technology was at the center of society. From the time movie technology first appeared in 1894, censorship proponents bought to limit criminal and sexual content while other groups proposed using the new medium to teach social ideology. As early as the 1920´s movies were blamed for increasing youth sexuality. Movies were seen as reality - makers taht clashed with values taught in school and contradicted societal norms. Studies during that time revealed taht high school and college students were learning (and practicing) sexual techniques they had seen in the movies.
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