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Seminárna práca: My personal view of the study

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We learn all life, but we study just a few years and that’s why studies is very important in our lives. In Slovakia there is 10 year compulsory school attendance and then each of us can freely decide whether to continue studying or not. I decided to continue my studies. I have successfully passed the A-level and subsequently enrolled at University in Trnava. The full name of my university is following: University of St. Cyril and Method. It has more faculties,
I attend faculty of mass communication. In our university we have 3 ways of study: full-time, distance and external.
I chose full-time distance study. Each of these forms has its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of full-time study is that every day at school you have the possibility to attend free lectures, from which you take valuable notes, from which you can then prepare for exams. You know professors better and you know then what they tolerate and what not. The disadvantage is that you don’t have time for anything else but study.
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