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Čitateľský denník: William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice

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Act I, scene 1
Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains that he is depressed but does not know why. His friends, Salerio and Solanio, suggest that he is worried about his commercial investments, but Antonio responds that his
money is invested in so many different products and ships that he has no specific worries. Solanio declares that he must be in love, but Antonio dismisses that suggestion as well. They encounter Bassanio and when the other leave, they are left alone. They are intimate friends and Bassanio is in debt with Antonio. The debtor now begs his friend to make him a final loan so that he can go to Belmont and court the rich heiress Portia. Antonio is willing, but says that all of his own money is tied up in ship cargoes. However, if Bassanio borrows money from someone, Antonio will provide security for the loan.
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