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“Sports and Hobbies”

Sport is very important in the life of people because it help us keep us fit and it supports our physical and mental health.
Between sports and games is the difference - it is that sport is individual and game is collective. We can divide sports to several groups - summer and winter sports, outdoor and indoor sports, water sports, ball sports etc.
We know many different kind of sport. Winter sports are skiing, cross-country skiing, figure skating, ice-hockey. Summer sports are athletics, football, water polo, swimming, beach volleyball. All season sports are tennis, volleyball, basketball.
Most of the sports can be practiced all the year out or in the sports, etc. stadiums. By the place where we do sport we know outdoor sports (football, field hockey, rughby, golf) and indoor sport (ice-hockey, figure skating, volleyball). Then we have ball games - games where players use ball (basketball, golf), motor sports (motoGP, formula1), marshal art, water sports, athletic. The most popular sport world evens are cups, championships, Olympic game. Olympic game have winter and summer parts and it is held every four years.
There are two ways how to make sports. Professionally or amateur. Professionals are paid for making sports and for playing games. The professionalism kind of destroyed the spirit of games. Professionalism makes sports turn into a business. People who make sports and play games professionally don’t usually take it like a fun, but they make it because of money and fame. Teams are buying, selling and trading the players between them. The professionalism makes a corruption in sports because of money. Many games are sold and many players are bribed in professional games. Amateurs games are played for fun and not for money or fame.
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