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Semestrálna práca: Mission Goal and Value Performance

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Your job as a manager is to lead your organization. In order to lead effectively, the first thing you have to know is the objective (or mission, or goal, or target) Imagine yourself in command of a platoon of soldiers when you receive a message from the general. The message says „go capture the hill“. Your first reaction would be to ask „which hill?“. Your chancesof succeeding in your mission to „capture the hill“ are much greater if you know your goal. That is true in business as well.
The examples of strategic elements in this text are core values or principles of the best known organizations in the world. It´s an example for small and middle size organizations to show how the „big players“ satisfies morale of the employees and also customer´s needs and securing their high place on market. This work is about core values which shows organization the direction what to became in the future and how to get there. It´s complete picture of the future.
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